Paradigm E-Consent

Paradigm E-Consent allows you to collect signed, printable consent forms from within your Paradigm experiments. With E-Consent you'll be able to use your IRB approved consent form text, specify a consent statement and allow participants to either use a checkbox to signify consent (Paradigm Desktop) or sign their name using a touchscreen (Paradigm Mobile). The signed consent form is then sent to the e-mail address you specify as a .pdf attachment via secure e-mail. Here's how to use E-Consent:

  1. Download Paradigm v2.5 (if you haven't already). E-Consent is only available in v2.5 and later. Download now>>
  2. Open your experiment and click on the "Show Experiment Properties" button above the experiment event sequence (shown below):
  3. Enter your consent form text. You can either type in the text directly or import your text from a Microsoft Word document by clicking on "Import Text...". You can also enter a consent statement into the "Consent Statement" text box.
  4. Specify an e-mail address in the "SendTo" property of your experiment. This is the e-mail address that the signed consent form should be sent to. You can also specify the text that will appear in the subject line of the consent e-mail using the "Subject Text" property. You can now save and run your experiment
  5. Using Paradigm Desktop, a dialog will appear before the experiment begins:
    The participant must agree to take part by checking the consent statement and type in their name. After the participant presses "Continue" the consent form will be sent to the e-mail you specified as a .pdf attachment. The consent statement, participant name and date will be appended to the end of the .pdf.

    Using Paradigm Mobile, participants will be able to give consent and sign using the touchscreen:

    The participant must agree to take part by checking the consent statement and signing their name. After the participant presses "Start Experiment" the consent form will be sent to the e-mail you specified as a .pdf attachment. The consent statement, participant signature and date will be appended to the end of the .pdf.

You can learn more about Paradigm E-Consent in Paradigm's Help Files.

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